Umeboshi plums can be extremely sour, yet they are packed with vitamins, & nutrients: Vitamins, A, B1, B2, sodium, potassium, and fibre. They are a staple in the Japanese diet, as most Japanese children grow up eating them. To read more about how these plums are traditionally eaten, Click here.
Guava’s offer a lot of fibre, and Vitamins: A, B, C, and E. They aren’t a very sugary tropical fruit either. Depending on when you eat them they are very sour, or can be sweet too. Information taken from Foods For Better Health’s Website, Click here for more information.
From reading SecondSaturn’s blog, specifically the Un-ripe Guava Article, the Sour Un-ripened Guava used to be a fruit for children in many parts of India, where they’d throw a rock at the tree, and eat it, yet, it would appear these fruits are now more of a rich man’s fruit than one available to those in more trying circumstances. This is a great blog around the social issues surrounding the Guava Fruit in a changing culture, Click here to read the full article.

Sourced from: https://pixabay.com/en/users/Suanpa-8240904/
These sour fruits are considered exotic and also a super-food due to their nutrients and numerous health benefits. They even have medicinal properties, and have been known to reduce cholesterol levels and even halt cancer growth. For a full list of health benefits and other interesting information about this tree berry, Click here.
They are definitely sour, and are also very good for you.
To read more about the health benefits of consuming Un-ripe Mangos, along with other nifty facts about the mango, Click here.
If you asked your friends if they have had Quince, unless they have visited the eastern regions of our planet, chances are most haven’t and many won’t even know what it is.
Chinese Quince is a low calorie high vitamin C fruit. It also has other vitamins in it: calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper. Most people will not eat it raw due to its strong astringent tart taste with a high-acidity level. Most people will make this fruit into a jam or jelly, or even back the fruit and use it in tarts.
Other sour fruits that we have not gone into detail are Asam Paya, Tamarind Fruits, along with the more typical ones: Lemons, Limes & Grapefruits.