Welcome to our Interview with Subir Bachchi of Chi’s Tea Company! We had the pleasure of learning about his company and what makes his tea so therapeutic and amazing!
Let’s get started!
Please tell us about Chi’s Tea Company? What made you start your business?
Chi’s Tea Company was started to help our diverse communities to explore plant-based alternative therapies, to promote holistic natural tea blends for health and wellness and to share their benefits.
Our Master Blender has benefited from natural foods himself by making lifestyle adjustments that have helped him to heal himself. After spending over two decades in the food and beverage industry, and being a proponent of all things natural, he wanted to share his knowledge and expertise, his love for tea and Ayurveda along with his passion for natural healing and health and wellness. All of this got translated into his experimenting with tea blends and before we knew it, Chi’s Tea Company was formed.

Chi’s Tea at Maddog.
Can you share with us what Chi stands for and your corporate philosophy around Chi and tea?
Chi means universal energy or life force.
Our corporate philosophy is based on the premise of consuming natural foods to harness this inner energy within oneself for self healing.
Our corporate values are to provide holistic tea blends using the best ingredients for one’s health and wellness as well as enhancing the experience of savoring a pleasurable cup of tea filled with nutritional goodness. We believe in providing a great quality product with excellent customer service.

Stampede 2019 pic, Chi’s Tea Company
Can you share with our readers some of your most popular tea blends, and what makes them so special?
Each of our tea blends has its own unique character. Cosmic Spice Chai made with premium Assamese black tea and nine aromatic spices is our flagship blend. It is very good for fall and winter seasons and is super delicious. We also carry a caffeine-free version of it.
Turmeric Twist the healing touch is one of our bestselling blends, and encompasses all of the benefits of curcumin and moringa.
Moringa is a miracle plant and a super food, good for inflammation and arthritis.
Our Endless Love blend is extremely popular as an after meals tea due to a slight natural sweetness and it is caffeine free.
We have introduced two new teas: London Fire, an earl grey blend for hormonal balance, and Heartbeat of Rockies, for heart health. Both are based on Ayurveda and are picking up pace alongside the Sweet pH Balance, Rhythms of Chaga, and Crohn’s Support Tea blends.
Our organic Japanese Matcha Tea is very popular with University staff members and students alike for its taste and potency.

Chi’s Tea Company
What else?
Our raw cane sugar that we carry is vegan and contains trace minerals like zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus which make it stand out amongst other sweeteners.
There is a lot of research and development done for each tea blend we create before we launch them into the market. We use sustainably sourced and fair trade organic ingredients mostly.
A lot of our herbs and spices come from the Himalayan region, South America, and Africa, to name a few places, because these are not available locally in Canada.
The purity of our ingredients and utilization of our expertise in blending technique using precise proportions is what makes our blends so special. We do not use any flavorings, fillers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic materials or sweeteners. Our tea blends are completely natural, vegan and gluten free. They are also keto and paleo friendly.
We see you also share recipes on your site. Do you have a favourite recipe you’d like to tell us about and a link to it?
We love sharing recipes with our patrons so they can enjoy our teas using fresh fruits, and our iced tea recipes are very popular. Our favorite is the Mystic Mango Iced Tea made with our Mystic Arabia Chai. The recipe can be found by clicking here.
We also offer a fresh tea line where we prepare ready-to-serve custom orders for weddings, birthday parties and corporate events. This can save our patrons time and they can enjoy a therapeutic blend of their choice with their guests for a healthier lifestyle.
We also do custom pack our loose-leaf tea blends as party favors and corporate gifts.
We have soft launched herb and plant extracts as natural top up supplements for beverages and food.

Endless love snow display
Do you have any upcoming events that you will be at? We’d love our readers to keep an eye out for your Chi’s Tea Company when out and about. Are your teas in any stores, as well?
We have lots of events lined up from October through Christmas. We are participating in Calgary Woman’s Show at BMO Centre on October 26 and 27, after which we have the Millarville Christmas Event November 7 through 10. We have also been invited by the University of Calgary to participate in their United Way Market Day Event on November 25.
You will find us for 3 consecutive weekends in November in the Candy Cane lane booth #3 for Spruce Meadows International Christmas Event and then at BMO Centre on December 6 through 8 for Market Collective. It is our first time participating in these two major events.
This year we are also participating for 2 weekends at the Saskatoon Farms Christmas Event.
We are extremely excited about all these events, and you can find more details on our website and our Facebook page.
Our teas are served and available to purchase at the Mad Dog Café in Canmore. As well, they are available to purchase in Purple Carrot Food and Wellness Inc. in Lethbridge and in Mainstreet Market and more in Okotoks. Camrose Coffee in downtown Camrose serves our teas, and you will soon be able to purchase them there. We are also looking to partner with some Calgary stores.
And of course, we have our online store through which we ship within Canada and worldwide: www.chiteacompany.com